Tag Archives: God as King

the soverignty of God and our free will

The sovereignty of God seems both essential and impossible to believe.
In James 4:15 we read “if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” – recognizingGod’s sovereignty in what actually happens day-to-day. Still there is the troubling and essential aspect of our free will, and the free will of others who do things that we don’t like, things that we cannot reconcile with the sovereign will of God.

God reigns over us as King and Lord. We, his loyal (or otherwise) subjects, still have the opportunity to choose to obey him or not.

The above hardly begins to answer the question that I barely began to ask about the sovereignty of God and our free will.

Is Lent a time for us to be certain to listen to our King?  We could do worse.